I remember nearing graduation from University and wondering what my next steps would be. I wished someone could give me a road map to what I “should” be doing next. I’ll tell you a secret…that doesn’t exist.
I think that everyone has their own journey to get to where they’re meant to be in their career. However, I also think that if you’re living in Windsor and looking to work in tech, some general areas for advice can be helpful. There are more avenues to connection than you may initially realize and plentiful opportunities for growing a dynamic career in our region.
Feel free to use this as a guide to help you integrate into the Windsor-Essex tech community and take that next step in your career.
General Advice for Those New to Tech
1. Ecosystem Knowledge
Landing a job in your dream field involves much more than education and job experience on your resume. Dan Brodnitz, Head of Global Content at LinkedIn notes that the most in-demand skills of 2024 are skills in communication, customer service and leadership.
When someone is looking to hire a new employee, if they know that you have these soft skills before you enter the interview room, you’re immediately a step ahead of the competition.
Being involved in the community in areas you are genuinely passionate about will allow you to shine, lead to new connections, and potential references and can be very important when you’re on the job hunt.
“If only there was a one-stop shop for information…”
We heard this loud and clear as we’ve been developing our programming for this past year. We decided to create a virtual space for people to communicate and share news and updates. Our Tech Connect Community Hub on LinkedIn hosts over 300 members.
What’s there to look forward to in terms of content? Weekly postings include a roundup of five tech job opportunities in the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent regions. Additionally, we feature local events focused on skill development, networking, and more!
Here’s the link to join directly: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/14314075/
2. Volunteering Opportunities
Your next question may be: “Where can I get involved?” The first step that I would take to community involvement would involve volunteering. You can lend a hand at a one-off event or look to volunteer your time more consistently if that fits with your schedule. Check out Workforce WindsorEssex’s Volunteer Opportunities page for a list of local options.
Additionally, there are a few organizations that you can help with that also have the potential to help enhance your skills in your tech field. There are opportunities to volunteer with FIRST Robotics Windsor-Essex, a fantastic club for students interested in robotics and STEM. Other organizations such as the Google Developers Group and the Google Developer Student Group often run events that may require volunteers.
For those looking to get involved further, the aforementioned Tech Connect Community Hub group on LinkedIn is an excellent resource to find additional volunteering opportunities. If any opportunities come our way, we will post them there for your convenience.
3. Attend Community Events
One of the best ways to quickly dive into the Windsor-Essex tech scene is by participating in events run by our local groups and communities. Here’s a list of some of the tech-focused organizations that run events that already exist in Windsor.
WEtech Alliance: WEtech Alliance hosts events and activities designed to bring the region’s tech community together. For example, our Tech Connect Thursdays, provide opportunities to network with industry professionals and learn about career prospects in the region. It’s an excellent platform to connect with both established companies and emerging startups. Sessions happen both in person and virtually and past recorded virtual sessions can be accessed from the Tech Connect Thursday playlist on our YouTube channel.
Events like our Tech Connect Meetups and new Tech Connect Summer Socials: Downtown Edition series are just a few examples of other great opportunities to connect and network with other members of the tech community.
Never miss an event! Be sure to follow our Eventbrite page to be notified when we add new events. You can also sign up for our monthly Tech It Out newsletter and check out our Community Events Calendar for event more opportunities to Tech Connect!
Hackforge Windsor: Hackforge Windsor is another essential hub for those interested in working in tech. They offer various events and workshops to foster skill development and community engagement. They also run a variety of such workshops on as coding, robotics, or AI. You can learn more about Hackforge Windsor here: https://www.hackf.org/
Google Developers Group (GDG) and Google Developer Student Club (DSC): These groups cater to developers of all levels, offering resources, networking opportunities, and collaborative projects. GDG and DSC provide a supportive environment to learn and grow if you’re a seasoned developer or a new grad looking to break into the industry. They host Study Jam sessions for Google Cloud Architect Certifications as well as speaker series. Click this link to learn more: https://gdsc.community.dev/university-of-windsor-windsor-canada/
There are also annual tech events that are hosted in the community that you can partake in which are described in detail below.
Windsor-Esssex GDG DevFest: DevFests are local tech conferences hosted by Google Developer Groups (GDGs) around the world. They feature talks, hands-on demos, workshops, and codelabs on the latest Google tech. The Windsor-Essex DevFest is normally hosted at the end of October.
MasseyHacks: MasseyHacks is a high school hackathon — an event perfect for students fascinated by the world of technology. This 24-hour event is an opportunity for students to explore the realm of computer science and bring their creative ideas to life by developing a project of their own. All skill levels are welcomed from beginners to experts. This event hosts workshops, engages participants in countless activities, and gives you a chance to meet other like-minded students!
WinHacks: University of Windsor’s annual hackathon that brings together innovators, creators, and problem-solvers from diverse backgrounds. Founded in 2019, WinHacks has been the beacon of collaboration, creativity, and technological advancement. In 2024, they proudly hosted their first in-person gathering! WinHacks also hosts workshops, mentorship sessions, and opportunities to network with industry leaders and WinHacks welcomes all skill levels and backgrounds. This event typically happens during the second week of February and is located at the University of Windsor. Click this link to learn more. https://winhacks.ca/#about
4. Connect Virtually & Job Opportunities
I think something that we can all agree on is that we’d like to strive for a career that makes us feel fulfilled. With the right approach to job hunting, you can land your dream role. Start by exploring job boards and resources tailored to the Windsor-Essex tech community:
WEtech Jobs Board: Browse through a variety of tech-focused job listings in the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent region on WEtech Alliance’s job board. https://www.wetech-alliance.com/jobs/
EV Careers Website: If you’re interested in electric vehicle technology, EV Careers offers job listings and upskilling pathways tailored to the industry. https://www.evcareers.ca/
WEJobs Board: Regional job board resource that can be segmented by industry. https://www.workforcewindsoressex.com/jobs/
Talent Help List: The help list is a community-powered initiative that puts tech professionals in front of Canada’s fastest-growing tech companies. https://www.thehelplist.ca/
5. Stay Informed with Tech News Sources
Staying updated on industry trends and developments is so important for knowing what jobs and skills are in demand as well as continuing to excel once you are settling into your new job. Stay informed by following tech news sources such as Betakit, The Peak, and The Logic. Additionally, consider subscribing to newsletters and mailing lists from local tech organizations like WEtech Alliance and Hackforge, to stay abreast of regional tech news and events.
Breaking into the Windsor-Essex tech scene is an exciting journey filled with opportunities for growth and discovery. By looking to include yourself in these activities, you’ll be well-positioned to make meaningful connections which will help advance your career. If you need any assistance in accessing any of these resources or would like more information, please reach out to me at sbranton@wetech-alliance.com.

Contact Sam Branton, our Manager of Talent, Programs and Engagement.