Click the links to jump to a specific section: TECH TALENT | TECH NEWS | TECH EVENTS | TECH COMMUNITY | TECH ACCELERATION
Tech Connect plugs you into the Windsor-Essex tech scene and beyond
Whether you are a student, professional or an employer – uncover opportunities to network, land that prized tech job, tap into the pool of local tech talent, and connect with our region’s growing tech community and its programs, events and initiatives.
We want to hear from you!
We’re interested in learning how you engage with employers and organizations in the tech sector, what types of resources and supports are helpful, and what gaps exist. We’d like to learn how we can help you connect better to opportunities.
Please take a few minutes to take our TECH CONNECT 2024 SURVEY. There are 18 questions and the average time to complete them is 8 minutes. Your participation in this survey is voluntary and will remain confidential.
The Tech Economy in WindsorEssex Report (Coming Spring 2024)
Tech Connect Report (2020)
In February 2020 we released our “Tech Connect” report, the culmination of a seven-month exploration of the tech sector in the Windsor-Essex region. The over 30-page Tech Connect report explores the key challenges identified by the tech sector and offers recommendations based on the research.
Click the links to jump to a specific section: TECH TALENT | TECH NEWS | TECH EVENTS | TECH COMMUNITY | TECH ACCELERATION
TECH TALENT | Tech Talent is your connection to tech careers, tech employers and tech training in Windsor-Essex. Learn about upcoming workshops, connect with employers and apply for positions.
Click the links to jump to a specific section: TECH TALENT | TECH NEWS | TECH EVENTS | TECH COMMUNITY | TECH ACCELERATION
TECH NEWS | Get the latest information about the local tech scene. Discover happenings, trends, information and research that is driving tech and innovation in Windsor-Essex both locally and globally.
Click the links to jump to a specific section: TECH TALENT | TECH NEWS | TECH EVENTS | TECH COMMUNITY | TECH ACCELERATION
TECH EVENTS | The Tech Calendar connects you to the vibrant local tech scene and the competitions, meetups, workshops and conferences organized by local companies and organizations. Check in for updated events or share information with us on your upcoming tech event.
Click the links to jump to a specific section: TECH TALENT | TECH NEWS | TECH EVENTS | TECH COMMUNITY | TECH ACCELERATION
Click the links to jump to a specific section: TECH TALENT | TECH NEWS | TECH EVENTS | TECH COMMUNITY | TECH ACCELERATION
TECH ACCELERATION | WEtech Alliance offers a suite of programs and services designed to help strengthen and accelerate local tech companies. As a Client of WEtech Alliance, you’ll work with experienced business mentors and leaders who can help you grow your tech idea and scale your existing tech business.
Click the links to jump to a specific section: TECH TALENT | TECH NEWS | TECH EVENTS | TECH COMMUNITY | TECH ACCELERATION
Contact our Manager of Talent Programs and Engagement