The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted women entrepreneurs. It has severely affected sectors such as retail, hospitality and food services—sectors where women entrepreneurs are most present. On top of typically operating smaller businesses and having less access to capital, many women business owners also still bear a disproportionate share of domestic work, caregiving and childcare.
To address these realities, and in keeping with our commitment to advance the economic empowerment of women, WEtech Alliance and partners are taking action.
The F5: Refresh & Reload program powered by WEtech Alliance – has built a dynamic “F5: Refresh & Reload Venture Success Recovery Team” comprising of Canadian women (and men) experts in tech and business. Experts will be selected based on key business growth areas including: capital and investment, leadership, digital transformation, sales, marketing, IP, growth coaching, scaling, going global, etc.. The program aims to support female entrepreneurs in overcoming immediate pressures and challenges facing their ventures with technical and business advisory support.
Why focus on business advisory and mentorship? According to a recent Women’s Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub The Impact of COVID-19 on Women Entrepreneurs report, access to concierge, advisory, coaching and mentorship services were listed as top needs of women surveyed. This report sheds light on what’s working and what could be improved to meet the needs of diverse women entrepreneurs.
Throughout the duration of the program, WEtech and partners will support over 40 female entrepreneurs with one-on-one business advisory, connect 35 female entrepreneurs from across Southwestern Ontario to pitch to the F5 Power Panel, and connect over 200 female entrepreneurs – and their kids – with online education, networking opportunities and entertainment.