Tech Mobility Day will focus on mobility as an area of great opportunity for Windsor-Essex, especially given the importance of the automotive sector, along with the proximity and the interconnectedness of the Windsor-Essex Region to Southeastern Michigan. Did you Michigan will have 500+ miles of roadway equipped for connected vehicle testing by 2020?


YQG Mobility Afternoon
Location: Institute of Border Logistics & Security, 3475 Wheelton Dr, Windsor
Time: 11:30am – 2:00pm
Join WEtech Alliance and WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation and the Institute of Border Logistics and Security on Friday, October 25th for an afternoon dedicated to exploring the world of mobility. Hear from industry experts who are transforming the way we move people and goods. Have your chance to experience the future of mobility with demonstrations of Canada’s largest publicly available Virtual Reality CAVE.
The world is ‘moving’. Are you ready?