Hackforge: Project Management Professionals Meetup

Hackforge 300 Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Ontario, Canada

After a little holiday break, the Project Management Professionals meetup is back! This group is for all professionals from any industry, and business owners to come together and exchange ideas and


Hackforge: Moving Sale!

Hackforge 300 Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Ontario, Canada

In preparation for our move to the Accelerator, one of the things we must do is reduce most of the physical equipment and “stuff” we have accumulated over the years.


Hackforge: Road Trip Jazz- Downtown Windsor Debut!

Hackforge 300 Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Road Trip is a local jazz/rock band made up of young musicians from Windsor-Essex County. We have been preparing over several weeks to bring you a night packed with jazz


Hackforge: Lean Coffee and Social

Hackforge 300 Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Join the .NET Developers and Border City JavaScript for an epic Lean Coffee - you'll brainstorm programming or industry related topics YOU want to talk about, and we'll shred through


Hackforge: Board Game Night

Hackforge 300 Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Join us for some of our favourite board games, or bring your own! Come on in and we’ll get you set up with a game and a group to play


HACKFORGE: Intro to Arduino Workshop

Hackforge 300 Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Please join us at Hackforge to learn about Arduino boards! We'll cover how to code them and the different features available on the boards. Participants can come with pre-existing projects


Hackforge: Border City Javascript: RxJS & Ansible

Hackforge 300 Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Ansible is a Python-based tool for automatically deploying your application on demand. RxJS is a JavaScript implementation of ReactiveX, a functional programming paradigm useful for managing asynchronous work. Randy and


Hackforge: Intro to Software Defined Radio

Hackforge 300 Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Ontario, Canada

How to Track Airplanes with ADB-S Decoder In this talk we will be covering the basics of Software Defined Radio (SDR), the hardware used and examples of some of the


Hackforge Google Developers Group: Flutter Study Jam

Hackforge 300 Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Flutter is Google’s mobile app SDK for crafting high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android in record time. Flutter works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations around


Hackforge: AWS Users Group, Say “NO” to Datacenters

Hackforge 300 Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Ontario, Canada

AWS Users Group: Say NO to Datacenters Introduction to Amazon Virtual Private Cloud and Infrastructure as Code Tuesday, October 23 @ 7PM Facebook | MeetupBecause friends don’t let friends build