By: Jacob McCourt, WEtech Summer Market Intern
Today is my first day with WEtech Alliance as the Marketing Intern, so I thought I would share some of things I’ve learned in the few short hours I have been here!
WEtech Alliance’s activities are varied and they support a slew of different initiatives across the Windsor-Essex region. In addition to the various types of different services offered by WEtech Alliance, the organization support events put on by various community stakeholders. Just this month, these stakeholders include but are not limited to the St. Clair College Employment Centre, Workforce WindsorEssex, SIFE Windsor, the University of Windsor’s Centre for Enterprise and Law.
Even in its infancy, WEtech Alliance already boasts a few success stories. Local companies like Blab Media and Red Piston were given access to resources they would not have had otherwise that have allowed them to tap into their unrealized growth potential.
Red Piston:
Blab Media:
The Downtown Business Accelerator is a sight to see. Driving by the building, you might think it’s nothing special, but all it takes is one peek inside the doors of the accelerator to realize it is truly something special. The architecture is varied and the environment inside truly is buzzing at some times during the day. You can even check out the facility from the convenience of your home (virtually, of course):
They might not be able to hear or see me yet, but the companies in the accelerator are doing some great work from the sounds of it! Apart from hearing Vedant (the Finance Intern) crunch numbers in the office behind me, I hear the founders of TellBob in the office next to mine. The company, specializing in location audits and surveys, have just launched their new website. You should definitely check it out!
This is just one example of the entrepreneurial spirit that flows in the accelerator.
You can follow the goings-on at WEtech Alliance very easily! This smells like a shameless plug, right? It is very easy to find WEtech Alliance on the web, but I will make it even easier for you:
That’s all for now!