Essex County – February 13, 2013 – Linda Scott, General Manager, Essex CFDC/SADC is pleased to announce the roll-out of the County Ambassador Initiative for Essex County effective Tuesday February 12, 2013 – March 31, 2013.
The County Outreach Initiative is designed to deliver a blitz to educate county entrepreneurs about the robust programs now available through the co-location of Essex Community Futures Development Corporation (Essex CFDC), WindsorEssex Small Business Centre (WESBC) and WEtech Alliance, the Regional Innovation Centre (RIC) for Windsor Essex.
Linda Scott explained, “This joint delivery model between WESBC, Essex CFDC and the WEtech Alliance will strengthen the cultivation of the entrepreneur and small business owner in one central hub in the heart of Essex County. The integration of programs, services and resources ranges from business mentoring, training, business financing, youth entrepreneurship, and innovation opportunities through all stages of development from start-up to growth.”
Mr. David Kirby, an experienced entrepreneur with successful hands on business experience, has been engaged for this role. He can be contacted now through the Essex CFDC at 519-776-4611. An Ambassador open house session is being planned for March.
Media Contact:
Linda Scott
General Manager, Essex CFDC/SADC
519-776-4611 ext: 12
About David Kirby:
David Kirby has over 20 years of financial leadership experience with 14 of those years in senior CFO and CEO positions with Fortune 500 and medium sized companies. He has provided strategic leadership and direction in all aspects of business which includes, sales, finance, IT, customer satisfaction, research and development and people management. He provides financial expertise in financial reviews, forecasts, budgets, evaluations and senior debt financing. Specialties: Expertise in all aspects of financial planning, cash flow model development, preparation of financial statements, financial forecasts, operating and capital budget development, business plans.
About Essex Community Futures Development Corporation:
Essex Community Futures Development Corporation is a non-profit organization whose goal is to encourage economic development and create job opportunities within Essex County. Essex CFDC is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors who have a wide range of experience in such areas as business, education, agriculture, tourism, labour, and banking. Our volunteers live or work in the municipalities of Amherstburg, Kingsville, Essex, Leamington, Lakeshore, La Salle, Tecumseh or Pelee Island. For more information on Essex CFDC, please visit
About WEtech Alliance (@WEtechAlliance):
WEtech Alliance is Windsor-Essex’s Technology Accelerator; an industry-led non-profit organization focused on driving the growth and success of Windsor-Essex’s technology centric companies and entrepreneurs through leadership, connections and promotion. As one of the fourteen Regional Innovation Centres in the province of Ontario, funded by the Ontario Network of Excellence in great part, WEtech provides an extensive roaster of programs, services and training through MaRS Discovery the majority at no cost to clients and members in the technology and innovation sector. For more information on WEtech Alliance, please visit
About the Ontario Network of Excellence (ONTinnovation):
The Ontario Network of Excellence (ONE) is a collaborative network of organizations across Ontario, designed to help you commercialize your ideas. Whether you are an innovator, a technology-based business, entrepreneur, or researcher, ONE will connect you with services and programs to help you innovate and gain a competitive advantage. For more information on ONE, please visit
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