Honouring past OCE Board Chair David McFadden, the David McFadden Energy Entrepreneur Challenge invites university and college students from across Ontario’s academic institutions to address challenges facing the energy sector. Each year a particular challenge is selected and students pitch their entrepreneurial ideas and solutions to be judged against David’s own philosophy of innovation: that it be economically viable while also leading to the betterment of society in creating a safer, better place. The winner receives $25,000 and a suite of business services to assist in advancing the business concept.
The challenge will run on an annual basis with winners announced at OCE’s annual Discovery conference.
More details on the David McFadden Energy Entrepreneur Challenge.
See more at: http://www.oce-ontario.org/programs/talent-programs/entrepreneurship-fellowships/mcfadden-challenge#sthash.hUuLvA85.dpuf