Windsor-Essex County, Ontario -Wednesday, January 28, 2014 – Today, Sandra Pupatello, CEO of the WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation officially launched Phase II of the BuyWindsorEssex.Com – Key Sector Database. This event was held to encourage all local companies in the Manufacturing, Agri-Business and Information and Communication Technology sectors to set up a free profile in the database.
This database is a marketing tool designed by the Economic Development Corporation to highlight the capabilities and promote the products of our local businesses in the Manufacturing, Agri-Business and Information and Communication Technology sectors. With over 93,000 unique visitors and 120,000 individual searches in 2013 from countries around the world, local businesses can benefit from high visibility, no cost for use, and an instant global presence. This marketing tool is used by Trade Commissioners, procurement specialists and supply chain development companies looking to invest in our region or companies looking for new suppliers.
“The investment we made in this database marketing tool is taking our content to a whole new level.” stated Sandra Pupatello, CEO of the WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation.
Sandra was joined today via video conferencing by Senior Economic Development Officers – Terrie Romano in Cologne, Germany and Chantal Ramsay in Mexico City, Mexico who explained why data they access from the BuyWindsorEssex.Com database matters in the work they do internationally for the Province of Ontario with the Ministry of Economic Development Trade and Employment.
“This database is a tool all of us need to use to expand our markets globally and the best part of all of this is – the Economic Development Corporation is doing it for us!” said guest David Glover, President of Harbour Technologies and President of the Canadian Tooling and Machining Association (CTMA).