What is GreenGEMS Energy? products/services you provide?
GreenGEMS Energy is the way of the future of energy. We look to reduce your energy demand daily so that as the cost of electricity continues to rise, you – the homeowner, the business owner, the person, can continue to operate. We put it on paper. All of the data, formulas, rebate information, savings and we do it for the lowest price we can. We have LED lighting, solar technologies, heating and cooling and waste heat recovery solutions that are always advancing. It is our goal to make homes and businesses alike entirely self-sustainable and independent of the grid in 5-10 years.
Anything new and exciting happening within your company?
We are currently working on the implementation of a variety of community events. We are very interested in starting up an after school program so kids have a place to go study and do homework, eat/learn about nutrition, participate in group activities, play sports etc. We have personal trainers, coaches and community leaders ready to jump on board.
Where did the name Green Gems Energy come from?
The GreenGEMS name literally came out of a dream. I had bounced several names out there but nothing really popped out at me. I was half dreaming and the name came to me. It was settled within a matter of seconds.
What type of customer are you looking for?
A person. We as a civilization have to become more self-sustainable and reduce our demand on resources. We are at a day and age where we can drastically reduce our consumption using the latest technologies and move away from the old harmful ways of wasting resources and into the ways that benefit everyone personally.
What’s your favorite technology gadget and why?
My favorite piece of technology has to be the 4ft LED tube lights. These things are really cool, super bright. I’ve dropped them, hit them off objects by accident and they still work perfectly fine. Truth be told I am fascinated by all kinds of nifty devices and technologies as I approach new things like a kid would…eyes wide open and in awe of how something so simple can change so much for so many people. Look at something like the gymstick for example… entire gym, 110lbs of resistance… weighs 3lbs and I keep it in front of my TV for a workout whenever I have nothing else to do. Cost me $150, my gym membership is $50, paid for itself in 3 months time.
Why did you join WEtech Alliance?
We joined WEtech Alliance once we started working out of the Business Accelerator. We are looking to get as much exposure as we can so we can help build Windsor into an even greater place to be, and eventually do the same throughout Canada. We look forward to working with the WEtech Alliance to see how we can all make that happen.