#tied2WE Social Media Campaign Launches, Asks Young People to Share What Ties Them to Home
WINDSOR, ON – May 22, 2014 – WEtech Alliance, one of seventeen Regional Innovation Centres in Ontario, along with special guests Teresa Piruzza, Liberal Candidate for Windsor West, Tom Bain, Warden of Essex County and Mayor of Lakeshore, and Irek Kusmierczyk, City of Windsor Ward 7 Councillor, launched YKNOT Windsor-Essex, a regional talent attraction & retention project for young people.
“This project aims to build a community of connected inspired young people who hold meaningful employment, influence big decisions, and make a difference in Windsor-Essex. The overall vision is a net in-migration of young people to the region.” said Dan Brown, YKNOT Windsor-Essex Coordinator.
YKNOT Windsor-Essex, funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, is hosted in collaboration with WEtech Alliance and the Youth Attraction and Retention Task Force. “This 18-month project was created in order to bring together community stakeholders, local industry and young people who recognize Windsor Essex as a great place to live, work and play.” said Yvonne Pilon, Vice President of WEtech Alliance and Co-chair of the Youth Attraction and Retention Task Force.
“With the support of WEtech Alliance, the profile of our local young people is raised to help retain the best and brightest,” said Tom Bain. “It is crucial to our continued growth as a region that we support them in their efforts.”
Young people (in their 20’s and 30’s) are invited to join the conversation on social media. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts are live and ready for dialogue and storytelling about local opportunities in the areas of employment, arts and culture, civic engagement, volunteerism and entrepreneurship.
“To help build a prosperous future for Windsor-Essex, it’s essential young people feel they can grow and have career opportunities in our region,” said Teresa Piruzza. “The YKNOT Windsor-Essex Project is a significant step forward and I commend WEtech Alliance and Task Force members for all their work.”
To kick things off, YKNOT Windsor-Essex announced its first campaign, Tied to Windsor-Essex. The campaign asks young people to tweet or post using the #tied2WE hashtag on what ties them to the area, whether they are current, past, or prospective residents.
What’s next? YKNOT Windsor-Essex will be sharing stories of young people, holding community consultations, promoting local opportunities, and hosting events, including a 3rd 3rsday monthly mixer, and a Your City, Your Ideas event to be held in June. The project will culminate with a Millennial Summit to be held Spring/Summer 2015.
For more information, visit www.yknotwe.com, connect with us on social media, or email info@yknotwe.com.
About the Ontario Trillium Foundation: A leading grantmaker in Canada, the Ontario Trillium Foundation strengthens the capacity of the voluntary sector through investments in community-based initiatives. An agency of the Government of Ontario, OTF builds healthy and vibrant communities. For more information about the Ontario Trillium Foundation, visit www.otf.ca.
About WEtech Alliance: WEtech Alliance fosters innovation and accelerates growth. As one of the seventeen Regional Innovation Centres in the province of Ontario, funded by the Ontario Network of Entrepreneurs, WEtech provides an extensive roster of programs, advisory services and training to clients and members in the technology and innovation sectors in the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent regions.