In conjunction with Culture Days 2014, The City of Windsor’s Recreation and Culture Department welcomes a brand new festival for 2014 in Windsor’s Sculpture Park. Windsor’s Artists, Visions, Energies and Sculptures w.a.v.e.s. 2014 reaches the shoreline September 26-27. Experience waves of creativity and innovation from emerging, local and national acts that will transform the riverfront through digital, kinetic and interactive installations, including live musical performance from 4 p.m. – 11 p.m. Stay and help us light up the night with your own glowing gear and fashion with mesmerizing audio-visual performances from Kero & Annie Hall, Friday at 10 p.m. and The Noise Border Ensemble, Saturday @ 10 p.m. This is a rain or shine event, dance in the rain and let it shine!
Please see below for a few of the festival participants who are also WEtech members and clients.
RGB DREAMSCAPES – MARZ MEDIA: Marz will create a dynamic immersive piece utilizing the entire festival grounds as their canvas. Pools of light will envelop audiences as they journey along the path of the sculpture garden. A surprise interactive element will also be introduced.
WINDSOR LANCASTER FM212 BOMBER – ELLIS DIGITAL: The Windsor’s Lancaster FM212 has never been viewed like this before. Download the Junaio app to scan large-scale panels that put you inside the plane with a 360 degree panoramic cockpit view and more!
HACKFORGE: Hackforge is a nonprofit organization which also works in the community to create a better world with technology through education, outreach, and collaboration.
SpokePOV: Replace the years of little plastic beads that we used to put on our bicycle wheel spokes to make them “flashy.” Light up the festival on our stationary persistence of vision bike!
BristleBot Creation: The Bristlebots scurry around while you learn the mechanics of making your own toys.
3D Printing Demonstration: We’ll be demonstrating the technology by printing pieces of art. Come touch 3D printed objects and watch the printing process as it happens.
INNATE – SOMA COLLABORATIVE: Spectacle of 3-D printed moths interact with festival-goers as they flutter between the waves of art, biology, and technology.
WE DATA GLOW – WALTER PETRICHYN: An illuminated colourful free-standing tree responds to yoy, tweet the tree @WEDataGlow.