The Enactus Canada Student Entrepreneur National Competition is a great opportunity for young Canadian entrepreneurs to network, compete and showcase their business to industry leaders across Canada. There are also ten prizes of $1,000 for successful nominees from across Canada, and our grand prize of $10,000 presented at the Enactus National Exposition in Toronto, this May 2016! The Grand prize winner will get to hoist the illustrious John Dobson trophy – while benefiting from extensive media exposure, and accessing national business leaders.
Our past participants have expanded their businesses globally, received high level media attention and been exposed to top Canadian investors. Indeed, the rewards are many.
The Enactus Canada Student Entrepreneur National Competition is the only national competition to focus solely on full-time Canadian post-secondary student entrepreneurs, who are simultaneously operating their own businesses.
Find out more more about the Student Entrepreneur National Competition and nominate a young business leader in your community today!
Get more details HERE!