Sent on behalf of Ontario Centres of Excellence
We are contacting you today to ask for your support in sharing an exciting opportunity to showcase accessibility innovation. Hosted by Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) in partnership with the Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure, the second Accessibility Innovation Showcase and Tech Pitch Competition will be held at this year’s Discovery on May 9 and 10. A link to the online application and sample social media posts are listed below.
Thirty-five Ontario-based companies will be invited to exhibit their accessibility-focused innovation on the Discovery show floor. This will build broader awareness of the companies that exist in this niche market, provide exposure to potential private investors, and engage the entire innovation ecosystem.
Successful applicants will receive a complimentary 6×8 foot booth, two attendee passes and travel costs covered if outside the GTA. This exclusive opportunity gives the companies access to experts, industry, government funders, investors, engaging keynote speakers, fascinating panel discussions, networking opportunities, an awards luncheon and an opportunity for face-to-face meetings with sector experts.
Also, the Tech Pitch Competition will provide a platform for five of the showcase companies to pitch during Discovery for a $20,000 award to assist with further development of their business.
Given your organization’s expertise and strong regional presence, OCE would be grateful for your support in reaching out to your community to inform companies working with innovative accessibility and assistive technology about this opportunity.
Companies interested in this exciting opportunity are required to submit an online application form and a two-minute video (Tech Pitch only) no later than March 30, 2016 at 12:00 p.m.