The University of Windsor has students in the Master of Applied Computing program that are seeking paid internships in software, web, and mobile app development. The internships take place from July to December 2016 or January to April 2017 and can include full-time or part-time hours. This internship is at the end of the academic program, so students can also be available for a permanent or long term role where the beginning months would be deemed part of their Master’s degree.
These students are eager to work and can bring a variety of skills including programming languages (e.g. C , C++, C#, Java, PHP, ASP.NET) and web/internet technologies (e.g. HTML, Java script, XML ,CSS, MVC) to your team. If you’d like to consider bringing a MAC intern on board to assist with projects or day-to-day work in your company, please contact Johanna Beneteau, Internship Coordinator in Co-op, Career and Employment Services at 519-253-3000 ext. 3877 or