Starting this month, Workforce WindsorEssex will be rolling out a survey on a quarterly basis to gather local labour market information and uncover the latest workforce trends. Following each survey, a bulletin will be released with anonymous, aggregated results from the survey.
The survey is short and easy to fill out. Based on the nature of the questions, the ideal respondent would be one who has access to both current and future staffing information.
To gather information that reflects the diversity in our region, all employers across all sectors are encouraged to complete the survey.
Survey responses can be saved following completion, allowing the respondent to compare their own results with others following the release of the aggregated bulletin. Completing this survey will also serve as an opportunity to look closely at your workforce, plan for the future, identify growth potential, mitigate risk through recognizing gaps and be a part of the regional workforce conversation!
The dates of the quarterly survey and bulletins are as follows:
Survey 1: Open June 1 -30; Bulletin 1: July 18
Survey 2: Open September 1 -30; Bulletin 2: October 18
Survey 3: Open December 1 -30; Bulletin 3: January 18
Survey 4: Open March 1 -30; Bulletin 4: April 18
If you have any feedback or questions regarding the survey, please feel free to direct them to Heather
Take the survey HERE