We recently caught up with the Bros behind Brewin’ Bros Beverage Company. Here’s what he had to say…
Tell us a bit about Brewin’ Bros Beverage Company.
We’re two young entrepreneurs trying to make a dent in the iced tea industry. We brew high end teas with our “super active” ingredient activated charcoal.
What products/services do you provide?
We brew, bottle, distribute and retail our tea all throughout Windsor Essex County.
Anything new and exciting happening within your company?
We’re expanding at a rapid rate. We’re now looking to get our bottles tested for prolonging its shelf life.
Where can people find you online?
Website: BrewinBros.co
Facebook: BrewinBros
Instagram: BrewinBros
How has WEtech Alliance supported your business to date?
WEtech has supported us in strategic planning and financial funding. A huge thank you to the WEtech team for taking us in and pushing our product line to a new stage!
Looking into your company’s future, what are you most enthusiastic about?
That rapid growth will one day bring us to a national level, supplying teas across Canada.
If you could have coffee with any business leader or industry expert, who would you choose, and why?
Walter James Treliving, owner of Boston Pizza, because his expertise in franchise growth and distribution is a great example to our company. It would be awesome to chat with him and see how he does it all.
What excites you most about the local tech community?
It is important to have a strong local tech community because much of what we do relies on technology and social media. Our job is made easier by being surrounded by people that are involved in that community.
What tech gadget or resource (book, blog, magazine, app, website, etc.) has played a role in your company growth?
Social media has played a big role in the growth of our company. Both Instagram and Facebook has allowed us to spread to a multitude of individuals around Windsor.
Looking into your company’s future, what are you most enthusiastic about?
That rapid growth will one day bring us to a national level, supplying teas across Canada.