You’re invited to participate in the 4th annual WindsorEssex Community Foundation Vital Signs Survey.
Vital Signs is a community report that combines national, provincial, and local data, with residents’ views on important local issues. This report acts as a catalyst to engage our community in the on-going dialogue about who we are, what we do, why we do it, and where it can lead.
Who is the WindsorEssex Community Foundation (WECF)?
The WECF is a leader in philanthropy – we help to build a better Windsor-Essex by attracting and managing legacy funds, making grants to support local charities and programs, and bringing community partners together.
Purpose of the Vital Signs Survey
The purpose of the Vital Signs survey is to collect data of Windsor-Essex residents’ views of issues affecting their community. The results from this survey are combined with other data to create an all-encompassing report for our region.