We want you to apply! If you are an Ontario tech company or start-up this is your chance to connect with global companies who want to hear about your unique tech solutions and value propositions. The Government of Ontario is organizing a buyers program of international companies from the U.S.A, Germany, Austria, Mexico, South Korea, Japan and the U.K interested in sourcing from Ontario tech companies including companies like Samsung Research, Siemens, TMobile (Magenta Telekom) to name a couple. Please review the attached buyers profiles for detailed information about their tech needs/solutions and identify the buyers that best suit your solutions offerings. At a glance, buyers are seeking solutions in: Artificial Intelligence, mobility, block chain tech/applications, fintech, Big Data/SaaS, life sciences, rail, mass transportation solutions, telecommunications, virtual reality, aerospace and auto tech (please note this is not an extensive list, refer to buyer profiles for details)
Apply here by June 10 at noon (EST). Once your application is received, it will be reviewed by the buyers, as such we cannot guarantee meetings as the buyers will be selecting which companies they want to meet, Only companies selected for meetings by the buyers will be contacted by mid-June with further details.
*Please note a ticket to collision from home is not required to apply to this program. Questions about this program can be directed to businessconnect@ontario.ca