If you’re looking to network this August, here are a few events taking place across Windsor-Essex.
Boozin’ N’ Schmoozin Networking Event
Every month Raindance Windsor-Detroit invites you to network with fellow filmmakers and innovators at Brooklyn Street Grill in Detroit. Networking is the key to success… don’t forget your business cards. The next event is Wednesday, August 8th at 7PM at The Brooklyn Street Local. For more information, click here.
The WindsorEssex Circle: Meets monthly at various locations across Windsor. There is no cost to attend. The next meeting is scheduled for August 9th from 5:00-7:00pm at the Windsor Yacht Club. For more details, click here.
Biz X Mixer: Meets monthly every second Tuesday at various locations across Windsor. The next event takes place on August 14th from 6-8PM at the Windsor Yacht Club. Admission is $10 and includes mixer games, door prizes, back stage tours and much much more. Please RSVP to be a part of this event mixer@bizxmagazine.com. For more details, click here.
Startup Drinks Windsor: Meets monthly at the Bull N’ Barrel. This event is open to all those infused with the entrepreneurial spirit, whether your start-up is in the planning stages, ready to be financed, or simply a napkin sketched idea. There is no cost to attend. The next event is August 22nd at the Bull N’ Barrel. To register, visit www.sdwindsor.eventbrite.com.
Great Lakes Industrial Sales Consortium (GLISC): Meets every second Thursday at Caboto Club at Tecumseh Rd. and Parent at 8:00 am. Next meeting is August, 9th. For more information, visit www.glisc.ca.