How can we ensure Windsor-Essex has talent for its ICT sector? How can we ensure the sector continues to grow? What are the needs and challenges of local employers? What training is available?
What are today’s tech jobs all about? Everything. Technology drives every aspect of the world we live in. From developing and marketing products, to helping sick people get better faster, to tracking planes, trains and automobiles, technology surrounds us, and is in the tools we use every day – smartphones (or superphones), tablets, computers, televisions, and now smart TVs; the list could go on. Information and communications technology (ICT) has revolutionized the way we live, work, and play, and is an important economic generator in Ontario, and the world today.
For Windsor-Essex to compete worldwide, a steady supply of high-talent individuals with appropriate skills and knowledge will be needed to support the region’s innovation and growth. This report provides information on the specific occupations that are projected to experience growth through increased demand; identifies the needs and challenges of local employers in the ICT sector; outlines the training available locally in ICT-related fields; and offers valuable advice from over thirty-five local ICT professionals. This report is a tool for planning education and training and is a resource for exploring the ICT sector in Windsor-Essex.
Workforce WindsorEssex spoke with over thirty-five local stakeholders of the ICT sector to answer the above questions. Local employers identified the following as their needs and challenges:
◾Desired skills and certifications
◾Advanced training of employees
◾Importance of math
◾Troubleshooting/Problem Solving skills of employees
◾Attraction and retention of students in ICT programs
◾Work experience of job applicants
◾Curriculum modifications by educational institutions
◾Soft skills in the workforce
The needs and challenges identified locally are similar to the needs and challenges of the ICT sector provincially, nationally, and internationally. The more jobs that are available for those trained to stay in Windsor-Essex, the more beneficial that will be for our community’s economic prosperity. There is a gap in advanced training in the community that restrains employers from growing their business and employees from moving forward in the company. Increased collaboration among local ICT industry stakeholders will ensure our workforce is able to obtain long-term employment, support families, and contribute to the overall economy.
Read the full report in English.
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