(September 9, Windsor, ON) Karen Behune Plunkett, President & CEO of WEtech Alliance is proud to announce that Windsor has been named a permanent home for the Windsor-Essex Great Lakes Regional
FIRST Robotics tournament starting in April 2014.
The three-day tournament-organized by FIRST Robotics Canada and WEtech Alliance in collaboration with the University of Windsor and St. Clair College-will draw 1,200 high school students from across Ontario, the Great Lakes states and internationally.
The Regional will be held annually in Windsor and inject $1 million into the local economy each year.
The tournament will also recruit the brightest science, technology, engineering, and business students to the University of Windsor and St. Clair College by showcasing campus gems such as the Centre for Engineering and Innovation (CEI) and the Centre for Applied Health Sciences.
The successful bid was spearheaded by WEtech Alliance with the support of local industry partners. Valiant-as the lead sponsor-and Centerline, Reko International and Enwin Utilities in addition to support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation.
Each year, 3,000 high schools worldwide compete in FIRST Robotics tournaments to design and build 150 lb. robots that are tough enough to crash and bash in an arena but smart enough-for example-to shoot three point basketball shots, launch Frisbees and climb ten foot steel pyramids. Companies such as Chrysler, Ford, GM, Boeing, Blackberry, Bombardier and Google support FIRST by volunteering their engineers, programmers and skilled workers as mentors and by directly funding teams and tournaments. Students who participate in FIRST are twice as likely to go to university and college and twice as likely to major in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
“Having attended the World Championship which drew 30,000 people, I know this regional will be an unforgettable experience for students and a chance for this region to inspire the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs,” says Karen Behune Plunkett, President & CEO of WEtech Alliance.
“In less than a year we have gone from one high school team in Windsor and Essex participating in FIRST Robotics to thirteen, and we expect more schools will sign up before the regional next year,” says Dr. Irek Kusmierczyk, Director of Robotics and Youth Programs. “This program will provide our young people with the tools to succeed in a knowledge economy”.
What differentiates FIRST from other school programs is that it is industry driven.
“Our local industry partners Valiant, Centerline, and Reko International were critical to the success of the bid,” says Behune Plunkett. “They recognized that this program is an investment in the future of manufacturing and technology in our region and we hope other industry partners see this and step up in supporting this initiative”.
Last year, four area teams competed in regional tournaments-Assumption High School, St. Anne’s H.S., Maranatha Christian Academy and Sandwich H.S. Assumption High School qualified for the World Championships in their rookie season.
The Windsor Essex Regional Robotics Tournament will be held at the University of Windsor’s St. Denis Centre. Other Canadian cities hosting regional tournaments include: Calgary, Mississauga, Montreal, North Bay, Oshawa and Waterloo.
For information please contact:
Dr. Irek Kusmierczyk
Director of Robotics and Youth Programs
Phone: 519.997.2848
Cell: 519.990.3132
Email: ikusmierczyk@wetech-alliance.com
About WEtech Alliance: WEtech Alliance strives to nurture innovation and technology by providing the tools, programs, resources and support that entrepreneurs and technology-centric companies require for sustainable growth, development and success. For more information about WEtech Alliance, visit www.wetech-alliance.com.
About FIRST Robotics: FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) was founded in 1989 to inspire an appreciation of science and technology in young people through accessible, innovative programs that build self-confidence, knowledge, and life skills while motivating young people to pursue opportunities in science, technology, and engineering. Over 300,000 high school and grade school students participate in robotics competitions worldwide with 120,000 mentors and volunteers. Visit www.firstroboticscanada.org or www.usfirst.org
About the Ontario Trillium Foundation: A leading grantmaker in Canada, the Ontario Trillium Foundation strengthens the capacity of the voluntary sector through investments in community-based initiatives. An agency of the Government of Ontario, OTF builds healthy and vibrant communities. For more information about the Ontario Trillium Foundation, visit www.otf.ca.
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