October 1, Windsor, ON) WEtech Alliance kicks off an innovative program called Supporting Aboriginal Youth Entrepreneurs in Windsor and Essex (SAYEWE) on Tuesday, October 1st at 6pm at the Downtown Business Accelerator – 720 Ouellette Avenue.
SAYEWE integrates about 20 aboriginal youth ages 18-29 into the region’s economy by showing a path to self-employment through an intensive, ongoing and hands-on series of entrepreneurial seminars led by business advisory organizations and local startup entrepreneurs. After the seminars, four of the aboriginal youth will be invited to launch their startups in the Downtown Business Accelerator.
“These activities will provide a grounding in the fundamentals of starting and operating a business, mentoring and support from newly established networks, says Karen Behune Plunkett, President and CEO of WEtech Alliance.
“The fastest growing group of entrepreneurs in Canada is the aboriginal community,” says Dr. Irek Kusmierczyk, Director of Robotics and Youth Programs at WEtech Alliance responsible for SAYEWE.
SAYEWE is funded by a Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP) grant from the Government of Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Entrepreneurship (MEDTE) and support from Union Gas and Royal Bank of Canada.
Program partners include the Windsor-Essex Small Business Centre, the Law, Technology and Entrepreneurship Clinic (LTEC) and Turtle Island Aboriginal Education Centre at the University of Windsor, CanAm Urban Native Homes, CanAm Indian Friendship Centre of Windsor and Downtown Windsor Business Accelerator.
For information please contact:
Dr. Irek Kusmierczyk
Director of Robotics and Youth Programs
Phone: 519.997.2848
Email: ikusmierczyk@wetech-alliance.com
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