Windsor’s artists, visions, energies & sculptures will be celebrated in a two-day festival connecting communities through waves of art, culture, and technology. The City of Windsor‘s Cultural Affairs is seeking outdoor projects that illuminate the park in new ways to inspire and engage the public in examining its cultural significance. All proposals must be accessible to a diverse audience, consider the environmental setting, and meet the criteria outlined on the application. Accepted proposals must fall under one of the following categories: Large Installation ($4,000); Emerging Artist or Community Groups ($1,500); Student-led Projects ($500). For more information on the festival, and how to apply for festival project funding, click HERE. A public information session will be held to help learn more about the w.a.v.e.s. Festival. The session takes place Tuesday April 8, 2014 at Mackenzie Hall (3277 Sandwich St. W.) from 5 PM to 7 PM. This photo album was created from various images from around the world to help you start brainstorming.