DIY Audio Electronics Group
Old School Tubes
Wednesday, September 14: 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Join the DIY Audio Group as we continue our journey into old school tube based gear. Rob Caruso dives into magic eye tubes and will demo the magic eye colour organ one last time before it’s dismantled. Jeff Szusz demos his Schitt tube based headphone amplifier and presents his research and experiences with headphones for the new rig.
Facebook Event
StartUp MeetUp Windsor
Thursday, September 29: 6:00 – 9:00 PM
Grab a drink, meet some new people, and share your entrepreneurial experiences and ideas.
Keep up to date here!
New in School: First Time Events
Pokémap Downtown!
Windsor Public Library & MapTime Windsor Essex Event
Saturday, September 10: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
In partnership with the Windsor Public Library and Maptime Windsor-Essex, we will be teaching people how to use Google Maps to mark out PokéStops and PokéGyms, so we can pick the best routes to help you catch them all! Plus we’ll be mapping other important spots downtown that can help make the game more accessible, like wifi hotspots and bus stops.
Facebook Event Here
Show & Tell
Tuesday, September 13: 7:00 PM
Join us for the launch of Hackforge’s new general interest night, Show and Tell. How it works: up to six presenters have less than 10 minutes to show and tell! Topics can vary from electronics to software to engineering and beyond. Got something to share? Come by and sign up!
Facebook Event
CustomEXO Project: Open Table Discussion
Monday, September 19: 6:00 – 8:00PM
A presentation of the CustomEXO Project goals, obstacles, and an opportunity to join the ExoHuman Laboratory mission to research & develop a CustomEXO(skeleton) for a person with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. We will connect 3D printing technicians, engineers, medical professionals, artists/designers and the community (worldwide).
Facebook Event
Hackforge Book Club: Kurt Vonnegut’s Player Piano
Wednesday, September 21: 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Join us for the first ever Hackforge Book Club! September’s book is Kurt Vonnegut’s Player Piano (1952).
Details here!
Level Up: Events for Professionals
Windsor Essex .Net Developers
Introduction to Distributing Workloads using PowerShell and Azure
Tuesday, September 6: 6:30PM
In this introductory-level talk we will discuss using cloud resources to handle tasks. We will explore scripts to create new Virtual Machines (VMs) in a remote datacenter, copy files necessary for the tasks to the VMs, execute tasks on the VMs, get the results back on a central machine, and then delete the VMs. No previous knowledge of PowerShell is required, each step will be explained as we go through the demonstration.
Food provided by Microsoft // Thanks to Telerik for their sponsorship of this event
More info here!
Software Guild
Ping-Pong Unit Testing
Wednesday, September 28: 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Murtuza will demonstrate a paired unit testing session. Two people at one computer, writing tests and making them pass. He’ll walk through a couple examples with volunteers and then the participants can pair up and try it for themselves. Bring your laptop!
Facebook Event
No Fool: Discover Something New
Open Coding Night
Thursday, September 15: 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Working on a project? Need to bounce ideas off other programmers? Bring your laptop and get coding! Great event for beginners as well! Tutorials will be available and the event is facilitated a real life computer programmer.
Facebook Event
Electronics Club
Saturday, September 24: 1:00 – 3:00PM
Join the club for those who love electronics and take part in an afternoon activity.
Facebook Event
Order of the Indie Game Developers
Monday, September 26: 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Join likeminded designers and dreamers for an evening of demos and discussion on the world of game design. This group is for those interested in creating games both digital and tabletop.
Facebook Event
Class Project: w.a.v.e.s Festival
Open Streets: w.a.v.e.s Festival Preview
Sunday, September 18: 9:00AM – 1:00PM
Hackforge is a proud partner of this year’s w.a.v.e.s Festival. Get a first peek at the projects during Open Streets Windsor 2016 with a family friendly drop-in event.
The City of Windsor’s Cultural Affairs Department is a partner on this initiative in anticipation of the w.a.v.e.s 2016 (Sept. 30 – Oct. 1, 4-11 PM). – FREE ENTRY, Rain or Shine! w.a.v.e.s. (Windsor’s Artists, Visions, Energies & Sculptures) is a two-day festival connecting communities through waves of art, culture and technology.
Facebook Event
After School Special: Fun Times at Hackforge
Board Game Night
Thursday, September 8: 6:00 – 10:00 PM
Join us for a night of board games and card games from 6-10PM. This event is free and open to everyone. If you’re new to board games, we encourage you to come by as we will have trusty Hackforgers there to help get you started.
Facebook Event
Member Night: Office Space Bingo
Thursday, September 22: 7:00 PM
Join us for a screening of the cult classic 1999 film, Office Space. This will be an interactive night as we play Office Space Bingo along with the movie. Prizes to be won!
Movie and snacks are free to Hackforge members // $10 general public. All proceeds go to support Hackforge.
Facebook Event