While working remotely during the stay at home time, keep in touch with the Windsor Essex business community by checking out www.BizXmagazine.com and their social media pages every day. Biz X shares lots of good news on how the community is pitching in to help during this crisis, survey results and advice columns along with COVID-19 updates, profiles on local small businesses, large companies and community organizations and more. Visit their Facebook page to see previous examples of profiles on local companies and organizations: https://www.facebook.com/BizXMagazine
If your tech business or organization would like to be included, AT NO CHARGE please email a photo and 5 lines on what you do, include your contact information as well and send by email to deborah@bizxmagazine.com
PrevNew Online Shopping Platform Provides Enhanced Opportunities for Local Small Business04 May 2020NextWinner announced for Recovery & Rebuilding the Region Design Challenge One06 May 2020