University of Windsor’s Dr. Lisa Porter Among Speakers
On October 8th, healthcare organizations, innovators, research institutions and investors from across Southeast Michigan and Southwestern Ontario will virtually gather for a day-long MedHealth Mixer.
The event will feature educational programming and one-on-one matchmaking meetings for digital health and medical device companies, catalyzing partnerships that support growth in healthcare innovation.
Already confirmed partners include Henry Ford Health Systems, Spartan Innovations, Scale Health, Plug and Play, ID Ventures, TransForm Shared Service Organization, MaRS Investment Accelerator Fund (IAF), Windsor Essex Capital Angel Network, and Green Shield Canada.
In addition to virtual matchmaking, the event will feature an all-star line up of speakers discussing how we can overcome healthcare challenges together.
Among this year’s speakers are Rep. Brenda Lawrence, Cofounder and Co-CEO of Workit Health Lisa McLaughlin, and MedHealth Program Manager Stacey Frankovich, who will talk about challenges and opportunities for healthcare innovation in the state of Michigan. On the Ontario side, Dr. Lisa Porter will discuss enabling innovative healthcare through recently launched WE-SPARK Health Institute, a one-of-a-kind partnership between Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, Windsor Regional Hospital, St. Clair College and the University of Windsor. Dr. Porter will be joined by Member of Parliament for Windsor-Tecumseh, Irek Kusmierczyk.
The Mixer is being led by MedHealth, a regional collaboration connecting and educating the medical innovation ecosystem in Southeast Michigan and Southwestern Ontario in order to accelerate the adoption of technologies that improve the quality of care and contribute to economic growth.
Medhealth was recently recognized by as one of the “10 inspiring health tech ecosystems across the globe“. In addition, Medhealth recently partnered with ScaleHealth, a health innovation ecosystem headquartered in Los Angeles, to provide a home for innovation in Detroit and Southwestern Ontario.
Companies interested in meeting with healthcare organizations, research institutions and investors to explore partnership opportunities are invited to register at
For more information about MedHealth, MedHealth Mixer, and to view the full Mixer agenda, please visit
“WEtech joined the leadership of MedHealth as a result of its successful cross-border collaboration of Hacking Health Windsor + Detroit. This bi-national collaboration supports the growth of the medical device and digital health entrepreneurial ecosystem; contributes to the growth and retention of business, talent, and investment; and serves to position medical innovation as a catalyst of the regional economy.”
Yvonne Pilon, President and CEO, WEtech Alliance and Silver Sponsor of the MedHealth Matchmaking Mixer
“Creating opportunity for innovators from Southeast Michigan and Southwestern Ontario to meet and network with payers, providers and investors is critical for continued growth and expansion of new technologies. COVID exposed the urgent need for new and innovative approaches in health care delivery and there is no better time to highlight the cross border talent and opportunity in med tech that exists in the region.”
Stacey Frankovich, Program Manager, MedHealth, TechTown Detroit
“The MedHealth Matchmaking Mixer is a unique opportunity for our community to learn from each other, connect across borders and raise the bar for innovation, training and healthcare delivery. The pandemic has brought to the forefront the importance of global strategies in meeting the needs of our local communities – connecting across disciplines, institutions, industries and countries is critical to our health.”
Lisa Porter, Executive Director, WE-SPARK Health Institute
“MedHealth serves as a catalyst for the deepening integration and growing collaboration between healthcare innovators in Windsor-Detroit and surrounding areas. If we continue down this path, we will be able to capitalize on the great potential and promise of our cross-border region by connecting the talent and innovation residing on both sides of the river.”
Irek Kusmierczyk, Member of Parliament for Windsor-Tecumseh