Intellectual Property Basics for Startups

Ontario, Canada

This workshop will explore the importance of intellectual property for startups and how to leverage IP as a business strategy for new founders. We will cover a variety of IP

OpenStreetMap – Windsor Essex

Ontario, Canada

OpenStreetMap Windsor-Essex ( will serve as a meeting place for anyone and everyone interested in cartography, data analysis, wayfinding, and more. As the group matures, we'll help to make sure

The Canadian Cpp++ Conference

Ontario, Canada

Building from the success of the Toronto user group, CppNorth will bring together local and visiting speakers for three days filled with opportunities to learn, network and discover what is new

Border City Data | A Practical Guide to Database Design

Ontario, Canada

In this virtual, beginner-friendly session, Doug Sartori walks through the considerations and pitfalls of relational database design. Tune in to follow along and learn how to get started with designing

Business & Entrepreneurs Network (BEN)

Ontario, Canada

Join us for the event that will ignite our members for 2022 Network with other exciting business leaders and members. Find out more about how our membership will help grow

Global EV Advanced Materials and Thermal Management 2022

Ontario, Canada

As batteries for electric vehicles become smaller and more performant, they also produce more heat which must be dissipated safely. With a myriad of companies developing best-in-class thermal interface materials

Automotive Cybersecurity 2022 (virtual)

Ontario, Canada

The automotive cybersecurity industry is one of the fastest growing markets of the 21st Century, expected to grow to USD 2705.5 million by 2027. With OEMs and vendors alike seeking partnerships

MedHealth x ScaleHealth Thought Leader Demo

Ontario, Canada

Join MedHealth Detroit and ScaleHealth as we host our first joint Thought Leader Demo day. ScaleHealth and MedHealth are partnering up to provide quarterly demo days to showcase some of