Hybrid Workplaces: Risks and Responsibilities

s we head into a new paradigm of hybrid and remote work, we recognize work environments have changed. Join Gowling WLG’s Cristina Borbely and Shefali Rajaputra as they walk through


Reskilling Workshop Introduction to HTML/CSS

Do you live in Ontario & are you considering a career in web development? 3 hours (1.5 hours instruction, 1.5 hours hands on coding) Are you considering a career in

WE-SPARK Health Institute- Think Tank

Our Think Tank events provide opportunities for researchers, stakeholders and students to meet and discuss potential research collaborations. The event will begin with an overview of 3 potential projects, followed by

Building a VR Prototype for Good (9-12+ Guardian)

In this workshop, we’ll be constructing physical prototypes of a VR world that solves or brings awareness to a real-world problem. Join us and explore VR as a tool for


eCommerce 101: What, why, and how

About this Event More consumers than ever before are turning to online shopping for greater convenience, safety, and variety. In this webinar, the Toronto Digital Service Squad will teach you

Software Patents | Protecting Your Ideas and Algorithms

Software founders developing outstanding innovation, join us on August 10. Dive into the thought processes, decision making and benefits behind patenting your software. Hear from Mike Picard, Founder and CTO at EzoTech