The first-ever Founders Week YQG (beta) has officially kicked off, bringing together over 250 entrepreneurs, innovators, leaders and ecosystem partners from across Windsor-Essex.
Organizers will host a special virtual Town Hall session on Wednesday, November 10th at 6pm.
Hosted by the Windsor-Essex entrepreneurial ecosystem – including WEtech Alliance, EPICentre, Genesis Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre and the WindsorEssex Small Business and Entrepreneurship Centre, the event will bring together entrepreneurs and members of the local startup community to develop concrete action plans and community-led solutions to pressing challenges facing entrepreneurs in the region.
Regional innovators will have a chance to talk about their journey as an entrepreneur in Windsor-Essex, and give feedback directly to those shaping policy and running the support organizations built to support them.
Leveraging a group of “How Might We” statements, organizers want to learn about the ups and downs, and get to know what entrepreneurs’ experience is like in our region. The event is being facilitated by Adam Frye, Director of Operations and Partnerships at WEtech Alliance in partnership with Libro Credit Union.
“By bringing together this amazing group of founders and startup community members, we hope to better understand the unique challenges and opportunities facing our region’s brightest companies, and take a swing at solving them,” said Adam Frye, Director of Operations and Partnerships at WEtech Alliance.
Attendees will work in groups of 5-8 with a facilitator, discussing experiences, debating solutions, and giving as much feedback as possible. That feedback will be packaged up and leveraged to build critical support structures, and help to set the long term vision of our regional innovation ecosystem.
To register, click here.