Windsor and Essex County, February 4, 2013- Located in the Town of Essex at 39 Maidstone Avenue East is the new county satellite office of WEtech Alliance. The new place is co-located within the offices of Essex Community Futures Development Corporation ( CFDC/SADC).
Karen Behune Plunkett, CEO & President of WEtech Alliance, “is thrilled to announce that this part-time placement in Essex will afford a much better opportunity for WEtech to service clients and deliver programs for our county entrepreneurs. WEtech Alliance currently works very closely with Essex CFDC as well as the newly co-located Windsor-Essex Small Business Centre (WESBC). This will definitely provide added value to start-ups and businesses requiring acceleration support with all three organizations sharing and maximizing our services and programs throughout business development and growth. WEtech is very grateful to Essex CFDC for accommodating this initiative.”
Linda Scott, General Manager, Essex CFDC/SADC added, “This joint delivery model between WESBC, Essex CFDC and WEtech Alliance will strengthen the support available to the small business owner in one central location in the heart of Essex County. The enhanced suite of programs will range from business mentoring, training, youth entrepreneurship programs and financial services and grant opportunities through all stages of development from start-up to growth. ”
Media Contact:
Karen Behune Plunkett
About WEtech Alliance (@WEtechAlliance):
WEtech Alliance is Windsor-Essex’s Technology Accelerator; an industry-led non-profit organization focused on driving the growth and success of Windsor-Essex’s technology centric companies and entrepreneurs through leadership, connections and promotion. As one of the fourteen Regional Innovation Centres in the province of Ontario, funded by the Ontario Network of Excellence in great part, WEtech provides an extensive roaster of programs, services and training through MaRS Discovery the majority at no cost to clients and members in the technology and innovation sector. For more information on WEtech Alliance, please visit
About the Ontario Network of Excellence (ONTinnovation):
The Ontario Network of Excellence (ONE) is a collaborative network of organizations across Ontario, designed to help you commercialize your ideas. Whether you are an innovator, a technology-based business, entrepreneur, or researcher, ONE will connect you with services and programs to help you innovate and gain a competitive advantage. For more information on ONE, please visit
About Essex Community Futures Development Corporation:
Essex Community Futures Development Corporation is a non-profit organization whose goal is to encourage economic development and create job opportunities within Essex County. Essex CFDC is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors who have a wide range of experience in such areas as business, education, agriculture, tourism, labour, and banking. Our volunteers live or work in the municipalities of Amherstburg, Kingsville, Essex, Leamington, Lakeshore, La Salle, Tecumseh or Pelee Island. For more information on Essex CFDC, please visit