WEtech Alliance is pleased to welcome David Muir to our team this summer as our WordPress Developer, powered by the Canada Summer Jobs program!
Canada Summer Jobs provides wage subsidies to employers from not-for-profit organizations, the public sector, and private sector organizations with 50 or fewer full-time employees, to create quality summer work experiences for young people aged 15 to 30 years. WEtech Alliance would like to thank Windsor-West MP Brian Masse for his assistance and support of the Canada Summer Jobs program.
Dave is a graduate of both St Clair College and the University of Windsor and studied both Computer Information Technologies and Computer Science respectively. He’s spent the last several years working as a freelance Web Designer and Web Admin for businesses all across Windsor and Ontario. Dave developed a wide skill set helping businesses build their online presences during the Covid-19 lockdowns in 2020 and 2021.
We sat down with David for a rapid-fire Q&A to get to know him better.
Q: Describe yourself in five words.
A: Tall, Organized, Timely, Flexible
Q: Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer?
A: Gatherer
Q: What would the title of your autobiography be called?
A: Hitting my head off the ceiling
Q: If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?
A: Probably a panda, for some reason I like the idea of being a lazy bear that may or may not know kung fu

Q: What’s your favourite ’90s jam?
A: You Get What You Give – New Radicals
Q: What would your pet say about you if we asked for a reference?
A: They would probably complain all there attempts to kill me have failed

Q: You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?
A: A blue crayon, everyone needs more shades of blue in their crayon collection
Q: What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
A: Turkey heart
Q: What do you work toward in your free time?
A: What’s free time, people have free time?
Q: What were you like in high school?
A: Tall and awkward.
Q: Favourite superhero?
A: The Blue Beetle
Q: What Friends character do you most identify with?
A: Never seen an episode of Friends, I’m going to say Joey since in pretty sure that was the name of one of them
Q: What accomplishment are you most proud of?
A: Perfect attendance through grade school

Q: Who would play you in a movie?
A: Danny DeVito
Q: What is your best feature?
A: Sense of humor
Q: Have you ever tried to do something and you knew that you were going to be really bad at it, but you did it anyway?
A: Not sure if this counts but I’ve been drinking coffee daily since I was around 2 years old and now it’s gotten to the point were coffee does nothing for me I just drink it out of habit
Q: You’re on death row. What’s your last meal?
A: Depends on the crime they convicted me on.
Q: What is one thing you’re most excited for in joining the WEtech Alliance team?
A: Getting to meet new people and working in new environments is always enjoyable to me.

WordPress Developer David Muir
Email: dmuir@wetech-alliance.com