We are looking for individuals whose skills, passion, and experience align with our current mission and vision to join our Board of Directors.
Mission: WEtech’s mission is to help grow tech companies of all stages and champion innovation in Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent.
Vision: The WEtech vision is to serve as a driving force behind building a sustainable and diverse economy that attracts and retains top talent, business, and investment. We will work together with partners to build a region that supports innovation and technology businesses from Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent to grow locally and scale globally.
Our Network: WEtech Alliance is one of seventeen Regional Innovation Centres, funded by the Province of Ontario, serving the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent regions. We provide entrepreneurs with business services, training, mentorship, commercialization and IP support, and strategic connections to help bring new ideas to market, scale to the next level and build a dynamic culture and a community of innovation. WEtech Alliance has served as the catalyst for technology and innovation in the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent regions since 2011.
The WEtech Alliance Board of Directors are leaders dedicated to the development of the Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent tech community. With a variety of business experience, they provide valuable strategic direction and support for WEtech Alliance’s many services and activities. Directors commit to attending five (4) board meetings annually, a Board orientation session, attend a minimum of two (2) WEtech events annually per year, and participate in committees as needed and/or appropriate.
Eligible candidates must meet the following criteria:
- Be a founder and professional in the following sectors: MedHealth, Digital Media, Information Technology, Life Sciences, Advanced Manufacturing, Mobility, Cleantech or Agritech;
- be engaged, involved and active within the Windsor-Essex and/or Chatham-Kent tech community and/or surrounding areas;
The Board of Directors is also looking to fill the role of Treasurer starting September 2022. The Treasurer, who is also appointed as a voting Director of WEtech Alliance, will work closely with WEtech’s President, WEtech’s Executive Committee, and will be a member of the Finance and Audit Committee. They will assist in regular budgeting processes, and in the annual audit of our financial statements. The ideal treasurer would be a qualified CPA, with past working knowledge of Accounting Standards for Not-for-Profit Organizations.
Application Deadline: This is an open call and vacancies will be filled as needed. All individuals who submit an Expression of Interest will be notified of the outcome of the process when a decision has been made by the Board and Nominating Committee. Deadline to apply is April 22nd at 11:59pm.