Here’s your monthly dose of how to engage in the YQG and CKONT tech scene. Have others? Make sure to share them with us at

Campus Party TechFest (Detroit) Press Conference
February 5 at 9:30am
Detroit is proud to host Campus Party TechFest – the first-ever 24-hour, 3-day, 2-night geek festival in the United States. This event brings together Millennials, Generation Z, students, professionals and geeks for an interactive festival of open innovation, creativity, science, entrepreneurship and entertainment. Campus Party TechFest serves to present cutting-edge technological innovations and STEM-based activities that will transform future-facing global economic sectors.
Please join Larry Alexander, President & CEO, Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau and Jim Forlenza, Senior Vice President, MCI USA, Campus Party TechFest’s Event Organizer at the kick-off Press Conference next Wednesday, February 5 to learn more about this exciting event.

Meta Makers Cooperative Public Open House
Every Tuesday from 7-9PM
Public open house to learn about becoming a member at Meta Makers Cooperative M2C, Windsor’s new non-profit community makerspace.

Quantum Computing: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
February 7th
DSC UWindsor is proud to welcome renowned Cyber Security professional Paul Lucier on Friday February 7, 2020 at 11:00am to the University of Windsor’s EPICentre alongside WEtech Alliance for an informative discussion on emerging trends in Quantum Computing and what its impact on the state of Cyber Security. More information and registration coming soon.

Driving Diversity: Women in STEM Networking Event
February 12th
Students, Professionals and Founders from all STEM fields are invited to the Driving Diversity: Women in STEM Networking Event.
This is a unique opportunity to gain valuable connections, resources and insight about experiences and pathways to STEM careers .
The event is co-hosted by the University of Windsor’s EPICentre, Developer Student Club University of Windsor powered Google Developers, and the WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation.
Join us for a panel discussion and casual networking, which will bring female professionals, current students and campus student groups such as Women In Cybersecurity, Women in Science (WinS) and Women in Engineering together to inspire success and support women in STEM fields.

UWindsor AvaLANche Esports Tournament
February 15-16th
SAVE THE DATE – the UWindsor AvaLANche is coming February 15th & 16th! We’re going bigger with more games, more food, over $5000 in prizes and much more. Check back soon for registration details – spots will fill up fast!
Follow @UWinEsports on Twitter for updates.

TechWorking Night at EZY Mode
February 19 from 6-9pm
Calling all Tech Entrepreneurs and Tech workers in YQG! Join WEtech Alliance and the Windsor IT Leadership group for 2020’s first TechWorking Night on Feb 19th from 6-9 PM at EzyMode Game Lounge. 943 Ottawa St. Windsor, Ontario.
Compete in live eSports tournaments, enjoy food and refreshments, and collide with the regions most innovative minds for a night of FREE fun and no-stress networking.

Shopify Your Business
February 27 (Chatham-Kent)
This session is geared to help those who already have experience selling products online and are ready to take their store to the next level using Shopify.
Ecommerce and marketing expert, Greg Carron, will be sharing knowledge and insights into how he uses Shopify to generate serious sales for brands such as Naughty By Nature (yes, the iconic Hip Hop Group!).

HTML & CSS for Beginners: Learn to Build a One Page Website
February 29
The Ladies Learning Code Introduction to HTML & CSS workshop is designed to be a hands-on experience. During the session, you’ll learn:
– Basic techniques and concepts that are translatable to other programming languages
– How to create a website with images, video, and a CSS-defined layout
– What resources are available if you’d like to continue learning at home (and we think you will)

Yvonne Pilon is the President and CEO of WEtech Alliance, one of the eighteen Regional Innovation Centres in the province of Ontario focused on driving the growth and success of Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent’s technology centric companies and entrepreneurs.