The latest entry in our new Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent Women in Tech Spotlight.
1. Introduce yourself and your position in the tech industry.
A: 1. My name is Nuha Aljammas. Fun fact, my name means intelligent in Arabic. I got my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science specializing in Software Engineering and minoring in Mathematics from the University of Windsor. Currently working as a Software Developer at Edison Financial.
2. How many years have you worked in the field?
A: I have been working in the tech industry for 4 years.
3. What made you choose a career in the tech industry?
A: I have always been obsessed with finding better ways to improve life quality. As tech integrates with almost every industry out there, I am not limited to one field experience and therefore I can have an impact in many sectors. For example, in a previous job, I worked on applications that help people visualize data in an automotive company. In my current role at Edison Financial, on the other hand, I work on web applications that ensure clients get the best experience securing and managing mortgages. A wide range of fields, such as hospitals, schools, and many other businesses, requires the assistance of the tech industry whether it is building new platforms or tech support. This became more evident through the COVID-19 pandemic.
4. What do you love most about your current job/role?
A: I really love being able to work on different systems, using different programming languages. It is an amazing chance to gain more experience and grow in my career. It’s an awesome work environment, and my favourite part is feeling that I have an impact and am making a difference moving the mortgage experience from stressful to easy.
5. What should we be telling younger generations of women who are interested in working in tech?
A: “You will see it when you believe it” (from The Rock Family of Companies’ ISMs)
My advice to all the women of all ages interested in pursuing a career in tech, don’t let others’ expectations or stereotypes of you stop you. The world is yours and possibilities are endless. Gender should never be a factor in deciding what you’re passionate about and what career you should build. It starts with you deciding to mute the noise and prove that you are more than capable. Believe in yourself only then you will start seeing it.
6. What role can male team members play to best support their female peers in the business and tech world?
A: The support male team members offer plays a significant role in encouraging female peers to invest more in their tech careers. It is extremely important to feel included, supported and belonging. It was hard at times back in school to be motivated when hearing comments about what a woman should look like or do to be taken seriously in a field like this. Support comes in many ways like giving women credit for their ideas and a job well done, speaking up when noticing discrimination and holding people accountable for such actions. This will create a healthy work environment and is simply “the right thing to do”.
7. How can women take action and ownership of their professional futures?
A: It can be intimidating being the only woman in a room, therefore women tend not to share their ideas, unless feeling overly confident about a topic. For women to take ownership of their professional futures they should start speaking up. Because women are not typically what you imagine when talking about a tech person, we spend more time building credibility than working on growing in the field. In my opinion, women can also act by normalizing looking different from what people expect a tech person to look like. You do not need to fit the mold, dress a certain way, speak a certain way, or have certain interests that “most men in tech have” in order for your work to be acknowledged.
8. What can businesses do to better support and empower their female workers and leaders now?
A: Businesses can support female members and leaders by offering equal chances. The one factor in deciding who is more suitable for a position, or a promotion should be purely based on qualifications and job experience rather than gender. Hiring women is half the battle, business should also offer ongoing training opportunities to encourage women to stay in the field as well as encouraging them to pursue leadership positions. isn’t crazy that only 1 out of 4 positions in America’s largest tech companies is occupied by a woman? Businesses should start by raising the level of awareness and acknowledging the problem and move forward with the solution.
9. What is the best professional advice you’ve ever received?
A: “Be confident. You have worked so hard to get where you are. You have earned your seat at the table, act like it.”
Imposter syndrome sneaks up on you sometimes. You can’t help but sense some self doubt when for so long you felt that you had to work so much harder than men in this field just to be considered. I cannot stress enough how important being confident is.
10. What motivates you every day?
A: I am a success-driven person. Nothing tastes better to me than accomplishments no matter how big or small. I constantly set small goals and work towards achieving them. However, on a bigger picture scale I wake up everyday with one goal I want to reach. Being the best at what I do, a mentor and a role model for all women interested in a career in tech.